
》Department of Network Information Security and E-Commerce Technology
Shi Haobin Title:Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Artificial intelligence, Intelligent control and decision, etc.
Wang Lifang Title:Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, public data analysis,etc.
Zhu Yian Title:Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Internet of Things, Big Data and cloud computing technology, etc.
Chu Weibo Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Computer network measurement, modeling and analysis, etc.
Li Huixian Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Information security, 3D printing parallel acceleration, etc.
Li Yongjun Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Social networks, knowledge graphs, deep learning.
Pan Wei Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent learning and decision-making, etc.
Yao Ye Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Network information system security testing technology, etc.
Yu Hui Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Intelligent decision support, complex network, DATA mining, etc.
Zhang Weiwei Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Quantum simulation, quantum walking, quantum machine learning, etc.
Zheng Yi Title:Associate Professor Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: Quantum cryptography, quantum computing.
Zhong Dong Title:Associate Pro Email:
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Internet of Things, digital twin and artificial intelligence.
Liu Zun Title:Lecturer Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Wang Qi Title:Lecturer Email:
[email protected]
Research Interests: